The Result of Boredom.

As a result of being bored, my boredom results to the following:

  • Finding Random Websites
  • Reading
  • Finding Music
  • TV
  • Productiveness
I have been bored recently and decided HEY I should totally show the world my random findings online. Now this is nothing new to most people but to me this is how I've recently wasted my time.

1.) MUSIC Adventure Time
This website by far is the coolest music website I have found.


2.) CLEVERBOT dun dun dun
Yes that is right. I ocassionally will argue with Robots. But little did you know the robot was HILARIOUS.

I had a recent convo with cleverbot about being a zombie. which ended with quoting lame songs. good times and wasted time.

3.) Bobby Burgess.
(no not the guy from the mickey mouse club. This guy was way ahead of his time. His randomness has made me want to embrace mine. I suggest starting from the beginning. I am only on 2001's entries. I know!

( someday I will meet you Bobby Burgess )

4.) Stuff Christians Like
I am also enjoying this blog as well. He makes me laugh!

These are the few websites I've found recently. There are more. but I think we look past talent! enjoy these RANDOM findings :)Periodically I will show you more but for now you only get to see 4 :P


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