Just like this little kid, I am EXCITED!

Why you might ask? BECAUSE! I am going to Greece in 16 days!

16 DAYS!!!! Out of no where during church today I got a BURST of excitement. And the rest of my day will equal excitement, up to the point of me actually leaving.

Now I have lots to do before going, I have to pack, send Angelique a package, say goodbye to people, and so on and so on. BUT I can be excited none the less :P

So I guess that's all I wanted to say, to say I am EXCITED!!! ok

Time to go clean the room , (im NOT excited about that) TAHTAHFORNOW!!!!!



OK! So something crazy happened. We all know that I am going to Greece right? Have the money raised, the ticket taken care of, and so on just all I have set left is packing. Today something crazy happened. I was looking at my balance on my Ohana (which is where I can check my account, to see if anyone donated any money)... thinking no one had donated anything I just thought I would check... and you know what?

Someone did! Someone I don't even know :O.... I went to ask my dad if he knew him, and he said he didn't. All in all I think is neat someone would do that.

And it got me thinking... if I am suppose to be in Greece longer, what if this is the beginning of that balance.

Now I am not asking any of you to donate, if you do that's awesome. But seriously that is so cool! Thanks Philip Hittepole for your donation! even though I don't know you!

Donating is an awesome thing. But you don't want to donate in a wrong mindset, you donate if you are feeling led to do it. It's so awesome to see how your little gift can go along way. And in a way you see your money go to good use, and you in tale are serving as well. Though this will be my first time to do a longer than a week mission trip, I'm excited that not only has Papa provided thus far, but he is continuing to provide for me. So next time you feel led to donate do it. Even if its your prayers, or just $10 dollars. That $10 is very appreciated, and put into doing good.

Anyways Thought I would let you know a little bit of what happened within my day :)

have a blessed evening all!

Ode To Randomness

OK time for randomness from callie today. SO first of all do you ever get songs stuck in your head and you're are like "WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE MY HEAD?!" Well That happens to me alot. It's like my mind is a radio station that is constantly going. At one moment it could be a dance song, another moment it could be screamo, another it could be indie, another moment it could be a worship song, and so on and so on. There has been two songs that have for some reason made it into my mind. One was because I just got hooked to the song ( which is BELOW vVv) another randomly came to mind, and it is SO ANNOYING lol. I'll let you enjoy and suffer with me.

The Ready Set- Love Like Woe

New Kids On The Block- You've Got It ( The Right Stuff)

Now Im telling you. For the New Kids on the block song, the only part that was stuck in my head, was the beginning. WHY? because that is all i know. And that is all I want to know of that song

As for The Ready Set? I think the music video is funny. Zombies, awesome dance party, why not love the music video (unfortunately you have to go find it yourself on youtube).

Another thing that just made me smile last night. I realized who one of my FAVORITE artist is. Kurt Halsey. I love his stuff. And if you don't know who he is I recommend you google him. His stuff is cute and unique, and funny at times. I love it! here is a sample of his work

Just a few that I picked out last night :) WELL here was a little randomness for the day! ENJOY!
Back to work I go.

Oh Forks How I love you :P

Oh how I loveeee Fork in the roads. You go on your path everything is find and dandy, and then WHAM! Your paths split 3 different ways. One way can bless you, the other can bless you, and the middle one is the best way.

How many times do we get to this place and just go with what we FEEL to be right? Do you know our feelings can be wrong sometimes? Yes that's right your feeling isn't always the smartest thing.

Its like your brain tells you where to go, and then your heart is like GO HERE NOW, you don't want to make your heart angry. It's like the Godfather (yeah i don't know why I mentioned the Godfather... The Godfather metaphor doesn't make sense at all) lol

Right now I am at this place where there are 3 ways to Go. I am torn between two of them. But you know what, I will not just go on feelings. NO! I will sit back, take a breather, and pray. And you know what? I will probably end up going in the middle road. Straight forward to the prize, to the ultimate joy. Yes its fun to take chances. But when chances hurt someone one way or another, chances are bad. So I will take the safety route.

I will follow Papa's path. Because that is where I can be safe, I can grow, and I can find ultimate joy. That path will not hurt anyone. Yes there may be forks that will come along the way, but I will meditate and trust that Papa will ultimately take me on the right path. You know why? Because he knows what's best. I don't. And that is fine with me.

I thought this last picture was necessarily fitting :)

Good luck, as FORKS come along the way haha! no but seriously! I wish you the best :) Have a blessed day!

Travis and Katie Janousek!

I loveee the sound of that! Yesterday August 6th, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. I was able to witness one of the most simple, yet stunning weddings I've ever been apart of. Katie was absolutely gorgeous, elegant, and breath taking. Travis was extremely handsome. Lets just say they are a good looking couple! AND of course the bridal party were just as stunning (cough cough especially the bridesmaids... we looked hot lol) But seriously! the wedding was beautiful! Derek did great, the music was great, ALL THE BRIDESMAIDS WALKED at perfect time! ( yes!!), and it was just fun!

Then the real party happened! We went to the Luge for Katie and Travis's reception! It definitely was ballin let me tell ya. The music was great (coughcough because someone has GREAT taste ;) ) the decorations looked gorgeous and simple, food was great, cakes looked and tasted amazing, and to top it all off we showed them off with sparklers! YES sparklers! so cool :). Now the happy couple is on their way to Cancun, Mexico for their honeymoon! Yay I am so happy so happy for them! Great wedding guys, definitely one I'll always cherish and remember!

As soon as I see the pics from the wedding I will let all of you guys check them out :). Also it's not EVERYday that I dress up wear makeup and jewelry :) i felt like such a girl haha its only because i love you katie! Well I must get back to work (yes I am helping out my dad by answering phones til about 4 woot!) why? because he is off to canada to play golf. why else go to canada lol anyways Tahtahfornow!

have a great day everyone :D

Phone Phobia? Or Maybe Just Fear...

Today has been eventful working at my Pops office, subbing in for the Receptionist. Let me tell ya, receptionist have a TOUGH job! Especially if you try to aviod using the phone at all cost. Being terrified of a phone does not help in line with being a receptionist. But you know what? I overcame my fear, and did a pretty good job! Still I hate the phone, but at least I have overcame something! WOOT! Now to do a good job as a Maid of Honor. ugh lol, we will have to see about that one.

For any of you that answer the phones for a living, I applaud you for a job well done! *applauds*. If you don't know what an * means, it puts your words into actions like *hugs*. SEE I hugged you via internet. Lame I know BUT at least you recieved a hug today AND it made you smile so HA! Well I am off to work again thought I'd take a little break. AHHH!!! the phone is ringing.... again. OK bye bye :)