(Side Note I Wrote this May 24)
I may have told a few people about what crazy things God had in store for my coming life, but now I want to tell all. For about 2 or 3 months, God has placed missions on my heart. Why? I don't know. I thought I'd be the LAST person to ever be a missionary, but you know what? God has a funny way of doing things. Though this wasn't what I expected to happen I am thoroughly excited of what is in store!
[But back to my story] For the past 2 or 3 months God has placed missions on my heart. Thinking I would stay in mobile for a year and then see where God would take me, was far from what actually was going to happen (in the midst of my frustration). As no doors were opening I was placed with the realization that I'd be coming home. (Don't get me wrong I love home.... i just don't want to get stuck... AND i don't feel that God wants me here .... SORRY) On April 25, 2010 I was at North Mobile. As Pastor Ed was going through Ephesians, talking about how we need to stand for our calling and willing to do God's will... I got side tracked and wrote a simple pray down (don't judge! I like writing my prayers out :) )
"I feel You are pulling me toward missions. Where Father? Where ever it is I will go! I am trusting you Father. Yes I want to go to certain places, but maybe that's not where You have me. I trust you" If anyone knows, this is somewhat of a dangerous prayer to pray. Especially for someone that had stayed up til about 4am before going to church (i know dumb lol ).
The next day I went to Integrity (like every monday) Rick Thompson showed all the interns love the last day we were there. He bought us cake, and the whole office came down to thank us. He asked us all what would be doing after the internship, and i said
"I could go anywhere, do anything, all in all a job is needed. But i feel as though I am suppose to do missions, where? I don't know but you know what ? Im not worried! everything will work out :) " After that he prayed for us, and the coolest thing happened! two people came and placed their hands on my shoulder(I had never had that happen before! SO COOL!) After the prayer was over this lady named Katherine
(I think?) was standing right behind me [awkwardly catching me off guard O_o] this is how our convo went
Katherine:"So how long have you been wanting to missions for"
Me:"About a month in a half or so, maybe less. Funny I told myself I'd never do this... God makes me laugh sometimes"
Katherine "That's about how long it took me to realize I was suppose to that as well. I was in Indonesia for 7 years."
Me:" REALLY?! That's crazy. Yeah i still don't know where I'm suppose to go, but I'm not worried :)"
Katherine:" You know, God obviously put this on your heart for a reason. If you're suppose to go then you will go, If not then God will close that door in a heart beat. BUT when you know where you're suppose to go. You know! :) I'll be praying for you, and God's direction."
[end scene]
That kinda caught me off guard... but not as much as the next scene.
Right after she talked with me, a man named Mark Powell came up to me next. This is how our convo went:
Mark:"So you want to do missions?"
Me:(me somewhat freaked out this was all happening so fast)" I don't know I don't know I don't know, maybe?
Mark:"Well do you know where you "MAYBE" want to go?"
Me:"I was thinking about Japan... My friend Craig really wants to go, and it sounds really cool. But in all actuality... I'm not sure"
Mark: "Have you ever thought of Greece?"
[WAIT A MINUTE! did he just say Greece?! no way ... could this be...]
Me:"noooo ? Actually i haven't.
Mark:"Well my brother and sister in-law have been over in Athens, Greece for about 21 years working with the refugees. If you want I can give you their contact info? I feel like I'm suppose to help you"
Me:"Oh my gosh yes! I'll definitely get in contact with you for sure! I just want to think about this before i do anything you know?"
Mark "For sure! Stop by if you want to know more about it, and such. I look forward to talking to you ma'am"
[end scene]
After that day my whole world was changed. Since then to today it looks like I'll be going to Greece. And it looks like God has planned everything perfectly so I could actually do all of this. As I await for a phone call from International Teams headquarters for a phone interview before the Review Committee determines whether or not I should go, I am confident this is what I am suppose to do. I never would have dreamed that 1.) I'd get to cross something off my bucket-list [ Going to Greece, and possibly explore Europe] 2.) That God would be able to use me in this awesome plan. 3.) That this small-town Texan would get to explore, see the world, see how her gifts would be used, and how her faith would soon be challenged. It looks as though I am planning to go sometime after august for 3 months right now ... [so i can see what i will experience, see if this is really where God has me, and also get as much info as a I can] After that I will be coming back to the states, and determining whether or I will go for 2 years (or more). The reason i have to do it this way is mainly because you can either go up to 3 months, or 2 years and more. If I do plan on going for 2 years I will have to raise ALOT of money (if you ask me how much you will probably freak, and ill probably laugh), but thats ok ... because if thats what I am suppose to do God will provide :) No worries. I wanted to let everyone know my plans as of right now. Sorry if I've kept you outta the loop... I just wanted things to be finalized before I said anything! Please keep me in your prayers. Pray for guidance, that things would come together smoothly, my safety, and that God will use me in ways I never could imagine.
I can't wait! This is sooooo exciting! I'm ready for something new! Thanks for reading :) I hope all of you have a marvelous day and I shall update on anything new!
SORRY THIS IS SO LONG! :(Until next time: See you soon!