Oh Forks How I love you :P

Oh how I loveeee Fork in the roads. You go on your path everything is find and dandy, and then WHAM! Your paths split 3 different ways. One way can bless you, the other can bless you, and the middle one is the best way.

How many times do we get to this place and just go with what we FEEL to be right? Do you know our feelings can be wrong sometimes? Yes that's right your feeling isn't always the smartest thing.

Its like your brain tells you where to go, and then your heart is like GO HERE NOW, you don't want to make your heart angry. It's like the Godfather (yeah i don't know why I mentioned the Godfather... The Godfather metaphor doesn't make sense at all) lol

Right now I am at this place where there are 3 ways to Go. I am torn between two of them. But you know what, I will not just go on feelings. NO! I will sit back, take a breather, and pray. And you know what? I will probably end up going in the middle road. Straight forward to the prize, to the ultimate joy. Yes its fun to take chances. But when chances hurt someone one way or another, chances are bad. So I will take the safety route.

I will follow Papa's path. Because that is where I can be safe, I can grow, and I can find ultimate joy. That path will not hurt anyone. Yes there may be forks that will come along the way, but I will meditate and trust that Papa will ultimately take me on the right path. You know why? Because he knows what's best. I don't. And that is fine with me.

I thought this last picture was necessarily fitting :)

Good luck, as FORKS come along the way haha! no but seriously! I wish you the best :) Have a blessed day!


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